Hello, nice to meet you
App Concept Designer
Your responsibilies

  • Research about current and upcoming trends
  • Deeply understanding of our toolchain especially (Figma, XD or Sketch)
  • You are responsible for creating app concepts based on strategy and product reqs
  • You will take of different iterations starting from creating first app concept mookups till clickdummy prototypes
  • You will adapt brand concepts and guidelines to streamline the whole app experience
  • You will prepare assets for our development teams and handover everything to the project management units
  • You will support our qm process
About this role
People, we are looking for

  • At least 5+ years professional experience
  • You have a good understanding in building reliable app concepts
  • Strong knowledge in app design prototyping, ui and ux
  • You are familiar with tools like Figma, XD or Sketch
  • You are a positive thinking beeing
Related to your level you can also
apply for this position as:

  • Junior or Senior Level
Remote or with option to work on-site from our offices

Trial period:
3-6 month

Parttime possible:
For any questions:

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